Dual Language Program: Programa de doble lenguaje

Benefits of the Program (Beneficios del programa)

  • Qualify for two special seals on the diploma (pending requirements)
  • Communication skills developed in both languages
  • Leadership experience within the school and community
  • Intervention, when needed
  • Sense of community and comradery  


Dual Language Mission (Misión de doble lenguaje)

Implement a high quality Dual Language Program that emphasizes academic achievement in English and Spanish.


Implementar un programa de alta calidad que se enfatiza el rendimiento académico en inglés y en español. 


Dual Language Vision (Visión de doble lenguaje)

Graduate students to be bilingual, bi-literate, and culturally diverse.


Graduar estudiantes del programa de doble lenguaje que sean, completamente bilingües  y culturalmente diversos.


BPUSD Dual Language Plan/Plan Bilingüe

Students accepted into the Dual Language program will follow the plan below as part of their High School Academic Plan. Upon graduating and meeting all DL requirements/expectations students can earn a DL Seal and/or a Bilingual Seal on their diplomas.



9th grade/


10th grade/


11th grade/


12th grade/


Leadership Experience

Service Project Liaison

Service Project Liaison

Cultural Project

Leadership Seminar


Spanish 3 Honors

AP Spanish Language

*Must take AP Spanish Language Exam during 10th grade

Chicano Studies

Chicano Literature


Dual Language Club

Dual Language Club

Dual Language Club Leadership

Cultural Field Trip

Dual Language Club Leadership

Service Project

Other coursework

Other 9th grade courses needed for graduation

Other 10th grade courses needed for graduation

Dual Enrollment Option

Other 11th grade courses needed for graduation

Dual Enrollment Option

Other 12th grade courses needed for graduation


Click on the picture below for detailed requirements regarding the CA Bilingual Seal.

Stat seal


BPUSD Dual Language Seal

  • Enrolled in the DL program since kindergarten (K-12)
  • Completion of the Service Learning Project
  • Has taken the AP Spanish Test


CA State Seal of Biliteracy

  • Complete all high school graduation requirements with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0.
  • Proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English, demonstrated through one of the following methods:
    • Passing the Spanish Advanced Placement (AP) examination with a score of 3 or higher.
    • Completing a 4-year high school course of study in a foreign (world) language, or its equivalent, with an overall grade point average of 3.0.
    • Proficiency in Writing (3) on the SBAC.
Program Requirements/Expectations
  • Participate in community service, extra-curricular activities, and student conferences.
  • Take the AP Spanish Language Exam during the student's 11th grade year. 
  • Maintain a 2.5 GPA or better. Students must maintain a grade of C or better in all core and Dual Language classes; if a student receives lower than a C on a report card, the student is placed on probation and the course must be retaken.
  • If the student receives two unsatisfactory grades, he/she can be exited from the program. Once the student exits the program, he/she cannot return to the program.


Service Learning Project (12th Grade)

  • Completed during the Chicano Literature Course.
  • Students identify a problem in their community in which they can affect positive change.
  • They plan out the steps necessary for addressing this issue.
  • They research, discuss, and act on their plan.